Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to our journal. The choice between using a Google Form or email for online article submission depends on your preference.
1.Online Form Submission
Please fill out the following form with the required details and attach your manuscript file in the designated field. Ensure that you have carefully read and followed our author guidelines before submitting. If you have any questions or encounter any issues during the submission process, please contact our editorial team at ijrdsdigital@gmail.com
After submitting your paper, you will receive a confirmation message for submission. Our editorial team will review your submission and communicate with you regarding the status and further steps in the publication process.
2.E-mail Submission:
To submit your paper, please send an email to ijrdsdigital@gmail.com and include the following information as attachments:
Manuscript: Attach your manuscript file (Accepted formats: DOC, DOCX)
Title: Include the title of your paper in the subject line of the email.
Abstract: Include an abstract in the body of the email.
Keywords: Provide a list of keywords relevant to your paper.
Copyright Form : Attach copyright file (Accepted formats : PDF)
Upon receiving your submission, our editorial team will review the submitted materials and acknowledge receipt via email. Please ensure that you have carefully read and followed our author guidelines before submitting your paper.
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